Thursday, November 22, 2007

PDF Encryption

Messing It Up

One thing frustrating I encountered when copy-pasting stuff from the Single Processor PDF was that things messed up during the paste-part. To see this, try highlighting the a few words or line of texts from the said PDF.

Then pasting it in any word processor or text editor produces garbage. The next screenshot was how it appeared in Notepad++ here.

Not good especially if copy-paste saves a lot of time. And today's just two days before the deadline! If I just had the time, I would've even bothered to create at least an equivalent Word document for easier searching of terms and concepts if the time still permitted.

Workarounds Anyone?

Now I don't know if there are any third-party software for this one. What I do know is that the mapping's pretty obvious. You might want to try and comparing ASCII values of characters from several encrypted and decrypted samples. If you do so, you'll end up with:

y = ( x + 29 ) mod 256

Nothing much useful there though except if it can be used without the calculator and ASCII table.

So I actually spent time to create a working decryption form for it, (a horribly crude but functional one that is.) So after a few lines of Javascript and HTML code, it worked!

Check it out below.

Decrypt Now

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