Monday, July 14, 2008
Forum Snapshots
It goes without saying then that to write of the experience in a relatively more formal online venue would be to advertise myself short of being an alpha male online. At least that was how I saw it.
And it didn't help me either to go on and on revising my supposed post. What had me eventually post my piece on the forum personality question was the professor's reaction towards my comment on the ethics of killing because of self-defense.
To make the long story short, the professor misunderstood what I said. I can't say I blame him though because of the way I chose to shorten my comment. The venue was definitely more formal than what I'm used to at highfiber hence the need to be more on the look out for what I leave around there.
So I answered back essentially to clarify myself. Apparently there was no harm intended from our mentor really. In choosing to answer back the way I did however, it suddenly struck me that I already showed a glimpse of my arrogance, and philosopher and grammarian tendencies. In doing so, I found it much easier to finalize the revisions to my piece and go ahead with posting what I had in mind for the question.
Who says flame wars always end up ugly? :D
Wading through Ada Programming
Now, I tried to get the same environment for my notebook to help me answer an FMA question. Never did I realize that it would be that hard. I spent more than 6 hours to get the GNAT Programming Studio (GPS) IDE going for me but eventually, I had to raise up my arms in surrender in the end. Getting my ADB file, (a simple Hello World program for crying out loud,) to work in the IDE consumed a lot of my time as the compiler and build messages were too cryptic. The scarcity of related material from the internet helped me reach the conclusion that were I to get the stuff going, it would only be because I had already sacrificed time I should be spending for other important stuff too.
Thanks to this Mississippi College resource, I was able to get some stuff going through the command line. It was not as pretty but it got what I wanted done: to test some named compatibility scenarios in Ada. The essence was particularly in the GNAT (compiler) User's Guide page.
In particular, the following lines of code could be used to generate the executable given a hello.adb file:
gnatgcc -c hello.adb
gnatbind hello
gnatlink hello
or simply:
gnatmake hello.adb
Thanks to Dr. Bennet for the helpful information.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Prelude to a Few Forum Snapshots
Since last week, I've had my answer to the activity for module 6 where the student's forum behavior is asked of. Here's a snippet for the instructions for the exercise for the module in particular:
...Our activity would be to go over the various types of "Flame Warriors"by Mark Reed and find out which of the types you identify with (there are more than 80 types, so no denial queen/king here) and also maybe those whom you often meet in your online encounters.
Then write a post about it (a kind of short essay- try to think out of the box) - about yourself and about others. Try to comment to at least 1 post that your classmate would make (to encourage, to clarify, to console, or to empathize.)
I'm unsure though as to how my classmates there would take the personas to which I qualify. The decorum on our online forum at upou is generally formal and accomodating while hifi, to which I associate myself with for more than 5 years now, is more on the "alternative" side of online interaction. By alternative, I'm referring to how the community started as a sanctuary for people who have had enough of poseur-stuff at friendster and PEX--enormous blinking texts, attention-whoring animated GIFs, etc.
What struck me when I first had my way around the site was how unpretentious the people were in talking about stuff in such a way that it ended up worth finding time to actually read content there. And stuff there's literally anything under the sun: politics, current events, global warming, education, religion, economics, dating, kids, etc.
People there refer to the place as an asylum and one of the many reasons why is that flamewars often erupt there. Unlike other forums though, people there actually have accepted the fact as a way of life, as something imminent because of the diversity of people there and the amorphousness of the community itself. I've been to a lot of other more orderly forums but I just can't find myself writing about any other forum apart from hifi.
So I'm actually thinking hard over my supposed post over the last few days. No matter how I tone down what I wrote, it still ends up meaning something I'm too hesitant to post especially if it's to be read by "normal" people. :))
Monday, June 16, 2008
Why Searching Has Become a Skill
Sir GGR's piece on how to answer the forums got my attention the other day. That is when he said:
Just one thing to remember though..., the challenge for all is personal critical thinking and personal reflection. Don't just accept what people have written but rather process them and be brave to post your own insights (backed by evidences of course).
This is what we lack in this technology and information-rich society. Let's face it, many in today's world can't process quality of information rather they get lost or drowned in the superficial ones.
How true.
How else would you explain the difficulty of getting decent material from searches these days? Sure there are some gems you'll get to stumble along the way but that still doesn't account for the rest of the senseless ones you'll have to wade through to get to the good stuff. And by good stuff I mean those that actually qualify as valid sources from the subject.
It is quite rare when you'd find someone who actually spends time writing substantial thoughts on his/her own. Personally I find it so much an eyesore to wade through too much post-modern delivery of entries in a particular blog.
Try and make a real paper acceptable to strict academic standards and you'll get what I mean. Sure wikipedia gets you off to a good start but there's still a lot of work to be done.
That and the popularity of readers to get content perceived to be worth one's time are telltale in themselves. While the issue of convenience to get information the fastest way seems to be the reason for the popularity of the latter, it also brings to fore another reason: time spent for searching for sensible content is better spent for something more productive.
Finally we see SEO as another buzzword in growing usage around cyberspace. With the battle of the search rankings raging on for the past few years because of the Web 2.0 movement, it really isn't hard to see how the quality of content has to eventually give way to its quantity.
And to think that once I was raring to post this interesting piece on what the author calls "social surplus" somewhere. Perhaps Luis hit something there when writing about his piece about "blogs and their rather sordid relationship with mainstream media:"
The point I’m trying to make is this: I do not begrudge anyone their grammatically-challenged, horribly-written detailing-my-last-shampoo-purchase train-wreck-of-a-blog. This is your God-given right as someone who (probably) pays for Internet access. However, we shouldn’t sell it like it’s the cure for cancer either. We need to accept the fact that the Internet - particularly the part of it that’s user-generated - is full of crap. It’s filled to the brim and everyday the container overflows and splashes everyone in the face with crap. And we shouldn’t wonder why people on the other side of the fence look at us and shake their heads, saying, “Wow, look at those people doing backflips into that giant pool of feces.”
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A Second Serving
IS201 is on Computer Ethics while IS214 is on Programming Languages. The two subjects are actually similar to some major subjects I took when I was still an undergrad at UP Diliman. Those would be CS207 (Special Topics) and CS150 (Programming Languages.) While intuitively that should work to my advantage, I'm not letting my guard down. Not when I got to take a look at the course requirements.
Requirements for IS214 are much like IS215: 20% on FMAs and 80% on a make-or-break multiple choice final exams. While I'm giving myself a heads up on the IS215 serving of that examination, I know I could've done better. That's why I'm preparing for the exam a lot earlier this time.
As for the IS201, I think they're a lot like the requirements in ENRM221: participation in online discussions, a submitted paper which in this case is called an Ethics Portfolio and a final exams. While the Ethics Portfolio is not that formal, it has to be written gradually so as to present something substantially noteworthy. Hence a lot of the meat I'll be including there will appear here just as gradually. Since I was dissatisfied with how my ENRM221 concept paper I wrote for a number of weeks came out, I'm putting in more time to come up with something which will end up something satisfactory.
Now if only I can organize everything I have in mind.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
ENRM 221 Finals
Again, apologies for typos in the answers to the guide questions.
IS215 - Finals
Pardon me for the occasional typo errors though. I had been so much in a hurry that correcting those stuff went beyond me already. Also the Parallel Systems and the Internet can still be made more comprehensive. Blame it all on the rush again. :D
IS 226 - Project 1 - Part 2
It was just a shame my first sem at school again after more than half a decade took away the little time I could afford to update this blog. Anyway I'm adding this link to the product of my full attention set at web development. And by web development I mean everything from web design to web technology codes.
Which is the reason why I chose to include projects 2 and 3. The next projects are essentially refinements to the preschool home page requirement for the first project so it definitely makes sense to lump them all here together.
Project 2 takes off from project 1 by requiring additional themes to the homepage output from the first. That is, project 2 requires additional CSS files so that a different look and feel would be provided for the user without any changes to the XHTML codes. Kind of reminds you of CSS Zen Garden. Finally there should be at least three additional themes apart from the default one coming from the first project.
Project 3 on the other hand, required JavaScript codes to validate user inputs during login, depending on the type of user signing in. For the particular project, that would either be student, teacher or parent. Though I wouldn't really implement such validation that way for a production website in real life, I had no trouble finding my way in JavaScript. Prior to this course I was more of a back-end programmer so much of what I actually got from it was more on the web design end. That is, I found project 2 of the course more time consuming though not essentially more difficult.
Without further ado here's the home page. The 2nd (Kids' Play) and 3rd (Black and White) screenshots not shown in this post can be found here and here btw.